Hello Guys,
Today I am going to explain how to write a function in oracle which return a table as result set.
We have to follow 3 steps to do so.
Step 1: We are going to create a object type that contains the fields that are going to be returned from function.
Step 2: Now we create a nested table type from above Type
execute this statement
Step 3: So It's time to do our real work i.e. create a function
execute this function.
Now your function is ready and you can call it as shoen below
select * from table( fn_get_emp_salary(2012,25))
I call the function by sending parameter year as 2012 and id as 25
Hope this post help you in writing function in oracle.........
Today I am going to explain how to write a function in oracle which return a table as result set.
We have to follow 3 steps to do so.
Step 1: We are going to create a object type that contains the fields that are going to be returned from function.
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE emp_type as object
id number,
name varchar2(30),
designation varchar2(50),
salary number(16,4)
execute this statementStep 2: Now we create a nested table type from above Type
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE emp_type_Table as table of emp_type;
execute this statement
Step 3: So It's time to do our real work i.e. create a function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fn_get_emp_salary (Pyear IN number,
P id IN number)
RETURN emp_type_Table
v_ret emp_type_Table ;
P id IN number)
RETURN emp_type_Table
v_ret emp_type_Table ;
-- your query goes here
select id, name, designation, salary from emp
where id=Pid and year=Pyear
INTO v_ret
RETURN v_ret;
END fn_get_emp_salary ;
INTO v_ret
RETURN v_ret;
END fn_get_emp_salary ;
execute this function.
Now your function is ready and you can call it as shoen below
select * from table( fn_get_emp_salary(2012,25))
I call the function by sending parameter year as 2012 and id as 25
Hope this post help you in writing function in oracle.........
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